A loyal, generous and infamous Vancouver pipe major passes into history

The story about Ian Millman that sticks with me is the time the mayor of Vancouver announced at a crowded formal dinner that the City had decided to fund the Vancouver Police Pipe Band’s upcoming trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. The fully-kilted pipe major Ian Millman got out of his seat, marched over to the mayor …

The sun sets on another Vancouver bagpiping season

Fall can be the best of times, and the worst of times. For many, there’s nothing quite like beautiful, crisp, cool fall days; an opportunity to take long walks with family and friends, hike mountain trails without trudging through snow packs or relaxing in the waning strength of our dwindling summer sun. It is a …

Well deserved Honourary Doctorates

Congratulations to Simon Fraser University Pipe Band Pipe Major Dr. Terry Lee (l) and his brother SFUPB Pipe Sergeant Dr. Jack Lee for being awarded Simon Fraser University’s highest honour – an honourary PhD for their contributions to both the university and the SFU Pipe Band. — with Terry Lee and Jack Lee.

Shamrocks and bagpipes: Five great ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Vancouver.

1. Hire a bagpiper for your St. Patrick’s Day party or pub crawl.Top off your green-themed house party with a grand entrance of a fully kilted bagpiper. Celtic tunes echo while everyone dances and drinks green beer. Or join any number of pubs and bars in Vancouver throwing parties with pipers and dancers this weekend. …

Playing bagpipes for Police Funerals and for Deputy Sherriff Jeremiah MacKay

A lone piper stood outside the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office on February 14, lamenting the death of a fellow piper and deputy sheriff, Jeremiah MacKay.  After years of playing at funerals for fallen police colleagues as the chief piper for the Inland Empire Emerald Society, friends are now playing for Jeremiah MacKay. MacKay was …