At the 64th Annual Pacific Northwest Scottish Highland Games and Clan Gathering (the Seattle Games, as most pipers call it), the Dowco Triumph Street Pipe Band was awarded a first place by one of the piping judges in the medley competition. Their competition – none other than the reigning world champions, the Simon Fraser University Pipe Band, who have won the world’s six times.
This is a major accomplishment for DTSPB and all the young pipers and drummers who have been working so hard after moving into the elite Grade I level in 2008. SFU has been a grade one competitive band for more than 25 years, and it took from the 1970’s to 1995 for the band to take the title.
This is not to take away from the great piping of SFU and their amazing accomplishments in the piping world. In my opinion, however, it is a credit to their organization and what they have done with pipe bands that Triumph Street is doing so well. Those who know the history of the SFU and it’s grade two band can see the similarities between the two bands. However, Dave and Andre have taken Triumph Street in a new direction, all their own. Their accomplishments on the field, I believe, are just beginning. We are fortunate to have two great bands in this region. They are an inspiration to pipe bands and competitive pipers and drummers everywhere.
I was out to hear Triumph Street practice tonight (Tuesday) as they prepare for Scotland. The band is psyched for the trip, and there’s high hopes that they can improve on their 13th place finish last year.
Given what happened in Enumclaw, WA, I have no doubt Field Marshall Montgomery, Boghall and Bathgate and the other bands will have a new name joining them soon in the top ranks: Dowco Triumph Street.
(For those interested, BBC will provide live streaming of the World Pipe Band championships again this year. The site can be found here.)