It’s going to be big – and hot. Piping hot!
April 14-17, 2011 in the Nevada desert. Far away from the cold April drizzle and clouds of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver, British Columbia. An opportunity to play the bagpipes in the comfort of heat and dry weather – outside. The International Celtic Festival will be much the same as our summer highland games, just on a typical Vegas scale. It’ll include ceilidh’s, golf, pub crawls, massed bands, band competitions, gambling, shows – and did I mention sunshine and heat? One of the advantages of living in Vancouver is the easy access to Vegas. From Vancouver International Airport, it’s a two hour flight. That’s slightly more than the flight time between Halifax and Toronto.
The Festival has released details about the band competition rules and format. Piper and Drummer Magazine has written about this recently, and you can find their article here.
For more information about the event itself, you can check out the website for the Las Vegas International Celtic Festival, where you can also access fairly active Twitter and Facebook page for the event.
Maybe I’ll see you there. I’ll be the guy in the kilt.