An inkling of spring and the promise of bagpiping in the great Vancouver outdoors

I learned many year ago not to boast about the often great weather in Vancouver. It first dawned on me soon after I arrived in Vancouver that not everyone gets excited about a sunny, 15 degree day in February.  The realization came while winter sailing in English Bay. I was headed to Bowen Island with a …

Shamrocks and bagpipes: Five great ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Vancouver.

1. Hire a bagpiper for your St. Patrick’s Day party or pub crawl.Top off your green-themed house party with a grand entrance of a fully kilted bagpiper. Celtic tunes echo while everyone dances and drinks green beer. Or join any number of pubs and bars in Vancouver throwing parties with pipers and dancers this weekend. …

Summer 2012: A slow start and a strong finish

Vancouver – A few months ago I was bitterly complaining about our lousy spring weather. “Junuary” was the term being tossed about in the Lower Mainland of BC. I was piping on many of those rainy, spring mornings, and often the thermometer showed single digits. It made for a miserable May and June. However, it’s …

Ethically sound bagpipes – from Tanzania, Africa

Edinburgh,  (ANI): Two communities in Tanzania have gained appreciation for making bagpipes from ethical sources of wood for the first time. Most Highland bagpipes, other traditional Scottish pipes and clarinets are made from African blackwood, which comes from the rare and threatened mpingo tree found only in certain parts of Africa. Now, according to a …